Current Addiction - Drama named Grey's Anatomy.

All thanks and credit to le bf. Now I know why he ignore me cos of that show.
An amazing show showing life. Yes, just life.
How life sucks.
How life rocks.
How life is pathetic while amazing.
Practically all about life.
Love, hate, trust, family and friends. EVERYTHING.
It got me thinking about life too.
How great would it be if i am pretty, rich and everything nice like Powerpuff Girls.
How great would it be if I just need to ENJOY.
Simple 5 letter word with much complications.
Life is an addiction.
We all want it to be nice and all but it always don't when you want it. #irritatingmuch
Sometimes I console/psycho myself that we shouldn't think too much into things that may not exist.
Like for example, just an example.
Prolly I am a child taken from xxx garbage cos I look different from my siblings.
Or, maybe my one-yr-old bf don't love me (it's not).
Or maybe, I am a guy? (wtf)
Okay, getting outta point but ya. Life do sucks, but after all it's precious and we should make the best outta it. Yes, we should take control and not let heartbeat controls it.
Life is fragile.
Probably I should write a diary on this, every episode gives me something.
Today, is about seconds. Seconds does wonders and they counts.
So, stop wasting it.