OH yea!
Ytd went to see Sq's blog aand i'm her 4444th visitor!
How lucky. HAHA!
Anw, aoquan=shuai! :D
Just ended chem common test,
well i can only say good luck to myself.
I left blanks for all equilibrium qns cos i forgotten.
And i actually spent most time doing on equilibrium
cos its hard. and i stil dont know.
How sad. :(
ALSO!! I shaded abt ten plus qns without even looking at the qns for mcq
Cos i practically no time t do it. LOL!
And i was on a high tide the whole while!! OPS. :S
Anw, reaally good luck unless i guessed all wrongly. :x
which is quite possible cos when i go school.
My shoulder got tapped like 3 times in a row. T.T
How lucky can i go?!! >.<
God bless!!!
HAHA, anw smth super funny happened ytd..
I was kinda confused so i mass spam this qns.
Zm: Compare the atomic radius ofthe following pair, Mg2+ and O2-
and someone super kuku replied this.
Yh: Mg is not a circle so it has no atomic radius. O is a circle so it has atomic radius. hence, O has a larger atomic radius.
LOL!! Wad crap is this man. Laugh die super is me ytd when im like so dead from studying.
phew phew!
Oh wells, if you think not funny cos you dont unds or my xiao4 dian3( laughing point) v low. LOL!! tras~~~
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