Waking up for work is getting harder and harder each day. omg. :x
Watched Love Cuts ytd. I teared abit cos Zoe Tay died. :x There isnt any movie time slot ytd and this is the best slot and so i watched it. It was okay. Just another sentimental movie. haha!
Nothing much to blog about as life is pretty simple. :)

Hey GF, you okay? D:

eek! You're too nice; I'm scared.
Okay, im way too bored~~ and my heart is super men1 men1. If you know what i mean. Damn fugging bored until like~~~~? i guess im having PMS. Cant wait to reach home so i can go running and play bball. AHH! I.CANNOT.CANNOT.CANNOT.CANNOT.FREAKING.WORK.IN.OFFICE.MAN. ITS SO DAMN BORING. I cant imagine myself doing this everySINGLEday. omg. Kill die me! T.T I need fun,entertainment,fun and more entertainment pleaseeeee thankyou! :x
GRR. STUPID PMS. MADE ME SUGAR RUSH in a negative way. LOL! Sorry if i offended anyone. Just wna rantle out. AH!
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