I have decided that i would love to have this hair colour! Anyone know what is this hair colour? :x Hehe.
Food for thought(for myself): Our lecturer once told us that "In life, we must plan." He had already planned for his retirement and what he's going to do. Everything in his life are planned. To the extend that if he's able to plan for his next life, he would. He also said that, "People who do not plan thier lives are equivalent to animals because animals do not plan." Guess other than communication and a witty brain, having the ability to plan is probably one of the many differences that differentiate animals from us, humans. So i fathom over this and tried to pre-meditate. To my dismay, I found that I have no dreams, no goals (except short-term ones like losing how much weight etc.) and no nothing. I dont believe in planning or anything as people change from time to time and so does the environment. What for having a dream that may be left unrealised. Whenever i do have a goal or something, there will sure be something that will impede and make me feel discouraged. Or maybe I'm not pertinacious enough, but well, that's me. :x Life is like that isn't it? Full of surprises be it good ones or bad ones. Why should we plan? Planning and contemplating about my future would probably just burst my head. I hate it. I need instructions or some kinda hints that god could give to lead me on the right track. What should I do to know some answers? Life for me is kind of mundane till now, no achievements, just nothing. And I'm reaching 21! Ohmygawd. I dont feel like living just to die man. Lead me on god. Tell me what I should do, i beg you. At least, tell me what i want.
Just booked my first BTT lesson! Okay, I know Im lousy. But just watch! Zhimin's gonna Drink and Drive! HAHAHA!
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