Yesterday, CNY Day 8, I had the most amazing, surprising, adventurous, special, whatever-you-want-to-call-it day ever! I'm not sure if I should write this out. But since I don't really have much readers and I want to remember this day. So I'm just gna post in this little space.
Okay, the day goes like this. Morning, I went for my driving lesson and everything was okay. (Sidetrack, I learnt reverse parking! Hee!) Anyhows, after driving, I went to top up my ezlink card and to my surprise, I found a Mastercard! Immediately, I passed the card to the Mrt information counter and went to school.
Well, that seems nothing right? Cos it's like so normal that people lose and found things right! So after school, I went to xxx to meet C and H since our schools were near and we do meet and go home tgt often. But H suddenly needs to stay back in school so C and I went to search for birthday pressy. Then I decided to do some transaction at the atm and guess what! Someone forgotten to take the money he/she had withdrawn! Cos I wanted to like show C(who was standing far behind me), so i accidently pulled out the money! Its 300 bucks! I know its my fault cos I can just leave it there then the atm machine will retain it but well, I pulled it out! What can I do!
So we were like lost sheeps don't know what to do with that large sum of money (to me). We decided to go to the information counter of the xxx shopping mall where the atm is located at. But I was thinking, will the person go to the information counter and ASK FOR MONEY? Will you? If not then the money sure go into xxx shopping mall's pocket (if IT has one. LOL.) Anws, so ya, we decided to wait at the atm for the poor owner to come back. We waited and asked potential stranger with the "FML-just-lost-300bux" look. Don't know how we do it, but we just ask. -.- So we waited and waited but the owner didn't come back! (Must be some rich man/woman who wanted to pack this 300bux into a hongbao. lol!)
Then STILL don't know what to do, we decided to just keep the money and DONATE IT. Don't malign me for stealing money cos I didn't ok! So we trained home thinking where should the money go. We were like discussing the whole train ride!
Then SUDDENLY just as we were frowning about the sum of money. A bright light shone from somewhere and an angel with wings and halo falls from the sky came to guide us to the right path! Okay crap. -.- Our senior msged and tada! We decided to call him and told him the whole encounter! He suggested us to keep the money and return it to the bank. So we decided to go to a bank to return the money! We were like damn scared cos all the banks are closed! T.T And I don't wna take so much unknown money home! What if the person needs it to help another? Gosh. Luckily a kind employee in the bank saw us and let us into the bank so that we can return it to its rightful owner!
Filled a form acknowledgement and she gave us this box of chocolate coins as an appreciation! Hee! So I guess one chocolate coin now worth ten bucks. Who want? HAHA!

After that I asked C,
Me: "The money will be returned to the rightful owner right?"
C: "Don't know? Scarli the employee act kind only, she can just tear the form and keep the money. You never know right?"
Me: "-.-"
Stupid C! We like waited, travelled and worried so much and finally no burden alr you come and tell me this! Roar! But well, really hope it gets to the rightful owner! :)
Amazing right! Found so many things (related to money) in a day! Hee! Don't know I should be happy or sad. Lol! Think cos its CNY Day 8, God wants me to FEEL FA (rich). Haha! Joke~ Anw, we bused home after that. What a tiring day!

Sidetrack, my brother's plaster damn cute right! Omg!
Sorry for being so wordy, Ciao! :D
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