OKAYY! Haven been posting for long cos i have been trying to upload to photobucket so that the pictures will be nicer to see. but its laggin like 13215654987321! =.= So i gave up and upload using blogger. yay~ =.= haha!
Well, long post cos am lazy to filter out the photos to post so i any-o-how. haha! yea, Fri was steamboat night with youths and overnight. It was awesomeeeeee. :>
Yupp, First, we wash the veggies and other foods. 
Zt came to help cos tz say her i think! HAHAHA! :P
Skip the Washing part, just show the crews la. HAHA! After that we went to play mj! :>
Was sad cause all pizzas outlets are down on a fri night. :( We were like so hungry. lol!!
Okay, in total 10 of us ate like 34 eggs!!! ITs ZOMG MAN! Tz very the cibei man! Used so much eggs. And she suggest we dont eat eggs for the next two days. lol! I avoided eggs till now. LOL!! :x
After that, i bathed and went to jp to watch inception with family. BUTTTT.. FAIL.!
I mean seriously. We went at like 3pm and it was selling fast till 11.30pm. Win totally. I failed to watch inception after 3 tries? Omg. LOL! So daddy and mummy went to watch the sorcerers apprentice, didnt watch cos i watched it before alr? So, me and sissy go walk walk around. lol!

Orights, after that day i got sick and stayed home. But ytd went sing k w Darl and Hy!!!! Thumbs up singing k! Even thou i cant reach alot of notes and keep "zhao siang". Hmmmms.. must be due to the sore throat. HHA! Anw, i feel kbox recording system kinda rock. hehe. Go again leh darl~~ (Y)(Y) We record better ones. hahha! :>
And since im getting better, i should start exercising yea? :x
But next week gna be a busy dizzy week for me! Bleah.
Anw, i feel like playing maple suddenly who willing to lend me play awhile? :> Must be quite high level ah! HAHA!
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