Yahoo! WCG 2010! :)
Orights! went expo to work at WCG 2010 on Sat and Sun, in case you dont know what the hell is WCG, its World Cyber Game 2010 whereby different countries come together and compete in gaming at international level! Saw alot foreigners. :>
There are dotaAllStar, Blackshot, L4D etccccc.... I played blackshot for awhile and its quite fun man! Esp when you dont even know headshot your enemy. LMAO! :x
The event was fun! hehe. :3

Jesse, "american soldier", jo and me! That guy was damn cool and charming. HAHA!

"AS" and jo.

Okay, im kinda sad cos im like looking at different cameras at different timing. :( So I suppose there isnt a photo we took looking at the same camera. LOL!

My fat fat face and pweetttyyy Jesse. :>

Guitar hero!! Its zomg de fun siol! HAHA! I saw people playing bumble bee. Super hard for me!
P.s. i played begginner level at the slowest speed, so you'll know my standard eh. HAA!

This small little didi is playing the drum for the bumblebee team. He's damn hiong and pro. But they didnt made it to finish the song. :x But they finish quite abit of the song alr thou. *thumbs up*

This little 10 year old boy actually got into the top 6 finalist in my booth - Playing ashalt using the newest Samsung Galaxy S phone! I lost to him even thou he gave chance. omg. damn paiseh. :/
But he's real good, even though he didnt made it to represent Sg to compete in L.A. haha!
Anw, the phone was damn good man! Until i feel like stealing the phone. LOL! The graphics is damn good and the screen is damn big. *Tempting*

Wearing the prize shirt.

The pro 10 year old boy's brother and him challenging. hehe. Super cute siol! :3

Having Dota Semi finals! Didnt manage to take photos of other games cos was darn busy. :x

There was a cosplay going on at the same time too! (That explain that american soldier's costume. I realised i didnt state. HAHA! ya'll must be wondering why that guy wear until like that ba. LOL!) Anw, i called Sherrill but unfortunately, she didnt attend this event! Sad die me! i wna take photo w her in her cosplay manzxz! Rah!

More cosplay! haha! there are too many to take photo so i only took the first few i saw. HAHA! There is also "L" from deathnote! He's super...... eh i dont know what to say. HAHAHA! *inside joke, opps*

Okay, i took this cos i think this costume is damn erxin! LOL!!!! Its like monster la! Wonder what this show is. hmm..

This is..... Naruto's character but i forgot his name. haha!

Me and "Gaara".

Finally! I took this damn big and heavy and cool DSLR from one of the photographer and took some pictures. All of them kinda fail. :( LOL!
Yupp, this is it. hehe! Anw, V made breakfast for me and jo on sun before i go to work. Just want to thank him! How naise! :) But i didnt manage to finish it cos its too much! LOL!
I want another event coming!!! :):):)
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