EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER. Not very happy though cos i only have two weeks of hols before school starts again! Boo! :/ On top of it, i'm working! STARTING TODAY! how no life can I get right. But I'm having no choice cos i promised my boss to work till end of Dec! i ain't a breaking-promise kid! *Self consoling*
On a lighter note, eating melted cheese with egg and bread naw!!!!! Awesome combination BUT sinful.
Anws, went to watch movie - Hello Strangers straight after my last paper with Yp, Wc, Don and HH! It was pretty nice, except for the ending. -.- Why do directors just love to give crappy endings! Everyone will just " HAIYER!" in the cinema and nth else. Like Inception! Awesome movie with err, maybe I'm not knowlegable enuff cos i don't really like open-ended endings. -.- Whatever~, overall Hello Strangers was a really sweet movie! :)
Looking forward to singing k, movies and moreeeeeeee. :):):):)

I can smile w/o teeth. Hee, Notice any difference? ^^
If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, its yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never meant to be.
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