Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Random #01

 Think of others before self.

Was reading my previous posts and I think I kinda changed a lot in the way I blog eh? I even laughed at how I typed totally. Anws, saw this in drafts and thought might as well post it out. I shall say its just quite interesting for me. Its taken from somewhere which obviously I have forgotten, so I'll just credit it to anonymous. Hee! Kinda lazy to blog though. :)

The difference between men and women
Women: If Mary, Susan, Claire and Barbara go out for lunch, they will call each other Mary, Susan, Claire and Barbara.

Men: If John, Brad, Tony and Daniel go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Bruno, Scrappy, Peanut-Head and Godzilla.

Eating Out
Men: When the bill arrives, John, Brad, Tony and Daniel will each throw in $20, even though the total is only $34.25. None of them will have any smaller bills and none will admit they want change back.

Women: When Mary, Susan, Claire and Barbara get their bill, out come the pocket calculators.

Men: A man will pay $10 for a $5 item he needs.

Women: A woman will pay $5 for a $10 item that she doesn't need, because it's on sale.

Men: A man has five items in his bathroom: a toothbrush, razor, shaving cream, a bar of soap, and a towel from the Motel 6.

Women: The average number of items in a woman's bathroom is 328. The average man would not be able to identify most of them.

Women: Women always have the last word in an argument. Anything a man adds after that is the beginning of a new argument.

A woman worries about the future -- until she gets a husband.

A man never worries about the future -- until he gets a wife.

A successful man is one who makes more money than can be spent by his wife.

A successful woman is one who can find that a man.

A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.

A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.

Dressing Up
A woman will dress up when she goes shopping, empties the garbage, answers the phone, waters the plants, gets the mail and reads a book.

A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.

Men wake up looking as good as when they went to bed.

Women will somehow deteriorate during the night.

A woman knows all about her children. She knows about their best friends, romances, secret hopes and dreams, favorite foods, fears and dental appointments.

A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.

Ciao! :) Anyone free on Sat do sms me? Hee.

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