Friday, April 29, 2011


Thinking of a good post name is real hard as many said and so i shall just skip that step. And yes! I'm finally posting cos I'm suddenly free (cos I'm in office now). So yeap. Let me see. Have not been posting much and so I dont know how to start the ball rolling again.

Well, life is pretty mundane due to exams, again. And got pretty demotivated with my current involvement, which is bad. Then came another round of decision making, which sucks. Then came another kind of decision making, which turns out okay? And yeap. That's it?

 Sometimes I wonder how should we live our lifes. 

Do we just start by crying then to crawling, walking, running, walking with difficulties and then to wheelchair and then to just laying there( dead. -.-)?
Like from toddler to child to kid to teen to young adult to adult to old age?
And from primary school to secondary school to pre-u to University?
And like taking PSLE, Olevels/Nlevele/ITE , Dip/Alevels to Uni?

We can just skip any of the stages right? Can we afford to? Is it acceptable? Is it like bring ABNORMAL?
What do you mean by being successful in life?
How about meaningful? Or like living life to the fullest?

Why do we need to have our PSLE cert, Olvl cert, Alvl cert and lastly a degree?

Life is complicated, as such.
Guess I'm too focused on following the railway track that I missed the pretty scenery around.