A little update for last week Genting outing and also work at MPS international school for their annual carnival and also Zhilong's bday on sat! :) Photobucket still fail me. T.T Anw, let the pictures do the talking then.

Went to Yupin house like early morning to prepare foodies on the way there! It was a 6hour trip okay! Its ham, cheese lettuce sandwiches! I ate most of it! :x

Then we reach the hotel and rest awhile cos we reached like at 3 plus! Played daidi and talk alot. hehe. Anw, i'm not sure is this the real pictures cos we played like alot of times. =.=

See my cards!! omg, so zai de mans! And i got triple 7 when playing blackjack with donald! win like shit. MUAHAHHA! We lost alot on his bday man! But won back later on. Guess his luck dont last. Woohoo! :>
Went singing also. RM80 plus bucks for a room. The more the better but guess we just feel like singing, but they aint any songs man. :( The money was so not worth it. LOL!
We surprised wc on his bday! AWESOME! :D:D he went bathing and we station outside like damn long. He super duper the slow manzxzxz! until the candle melt alot then he willing to come out. LOL!

View from room. :>

Went theme park the next day! Ps, i ate alot the first day so i got fatter. T.T see my round face. LOL. I guess i wasnt really awake, i cant open my stupid eyes. LOL!

Our nice and hot and steaming sweet potato! Its super sweet and nice and great for the cold weather! Melts! Missing it now! :x

Hope my wish come true. :3

On our way to mushroom park!! :DD

The "legendary" golden turtle! haha!

Glowing, disco-like bowling centre. Its super noisy i swear. =.=

Went pooling and realise the quality suck man! LOL! mayb its just our table. T.T the ball can go in and just jump out like that!

Yp and me! :)

The "ahem". Chey! joke only. :P
Orights end of genting! More pictures on fb. hehe.
On sat, Me went for work at MPs international school. ITS SUPER ULU MAN. omg, ppl, stop saying my house is ulu. Try travelling to MPS first. lol! Woke up at 6! And travel to bedok. Okay, im stupid cos its damn far and im working for about 5 hours only. LOL! Anw, My job was to make candy floss and popcorn!! Popcorn is so easy to make compared to candy floss man. omg. =.=

Yum* (but sinful. T.T Luckily i can curb abit of temptaions and ate a lil only, REALLY!)

Huiyi, the pro cum laojiao doing the floss! I really swear its hard. T.T But i got it anw. Aww, clever me. HAHA! :3

The "POP!"corn machine. hehe.

Bracelet from the "clown"! hehe.

He made me a ring too! So cute right! Love it man! hahaha!

See the ring first. HAHAHAH! :>

THE "mini" PIRATE SHIP! lol! I laughed at the kids when they shout like mad cos its really super mini and seems not scary to ME. LOL! See, the guy's like almost the ship's height please. haha! But its really cute. haha!
then hy and me skip oreintation and go to her house to rest. Shag die us man! Ate hy's mama nice porridge lunch and rest and then to zhilong's bday celebration! :D Its a dinner at swensons in IMM. :)

Mich is always having this problem: Stress over what to eat cos that glutton wants everything!! HAHA!

Gave her the pretty ring cos i think its so her! :):)

After that, we went catching toy and everyone was so engrossed in ours cos we keep almost geddit! HAHA! Everyone cheered aloud when we got it man. The mian bao chao ren super cute. :3

Group photo and we spilt to go home. Awesome night! :)
Going for squashers dinner today! Eggcited~ its been a few months since we met. hehe. Gotta talk like shit for some "ketchup" again. HAHA! Ciao~
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